Object of the Month

“如果你高兴的话,家里又多了一个‘昆西市长’”:塞缪尔·米勒·昆西上校这样描述他被任命为新奥尔良的军事市长, 5 May 1865.




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  • [ This description is from the project: Object of the Month ]

    内战结束后,路易斯安那州恢复文官政府后不久, General Nathaniel P. Banks, the commander of Union military forces in the state, "executed a 'coup d'etat,新奥尔良市长被斩首的原因,马萨诸塞州的塞缪尔·米勒·昆西上校“被任命为他的军事代理人”.班克斯担心,包括前邦联党人在内的反对重建的保守派势力会在新的州政府和市政府中日益壮大. "Half the city,昆西在这封用市政厅官方信纸写的信中告诉了他的母亲, was "delighted—the other half furious . . . 但如果你愿意家里再多一个“昆西市长”,那就请随便了. I hope it won't last long."

    The new "Mayor," whose light-hearted letters to his mother, Mary Jane Miller Quincy, 经常描述军队生活的有趣或讽刺的特点, made note of the fact that, as acting mayor of New Orleans, he was following in the footsteps of his father, Josiah Quincy (1802-1882), and grandfather, Josiah Quincy (1772-1864), 他们两人都曾是波士顿杰出的市长. In fact, 新奥尔良的情况非常危险, 尽管直到一年多以后才爆发成可怕的种族暴力.

    Revolution and counterrevolution in Louisiana

    新奥尔良的情况很复杂:班克斯将军罢免了市长,转而支持昆西, Hugh Kennedy, had been appointed by Governor James Madison Wells, 是谁任命肯尼迪代替班克斯的一个朋友呢. 威尔斯在支持温和重建的政治派别和反对黑人民权的保守派之间摇摆不定. After his own appointment, Quincy informed his mother, "the Governor was enraged, 并前往华盛顿抗议军事专制."

    In Washington, 安德鲁·约翰逊对威尔斯州长表示了同情, 林肯遇刺后成为总统的人. 威尔斯在约翰逊总统的全力支持下回到了路易斯安那州, 他对重建时期和黑人民权的看法在班克斯将军被免职时暴露出来了, "Mayor" Quincy. On 7 June, Quincy wrote to his mother that "The axe has fallen!!. . . For some inexplicable reason, 总统认为支持这个村庄的叛军是合适的, and Unionism is at a discount." He signed his letter, "Ex Mayor of N. O."

    塞缪尔·昆西在新奥尔良的短暂服役并没有结束他与民事事务的纠缠. He soon was sent to Opelousas, the former Confederate capital of Louisiana, 在路易斯安那州复辟和反动的公民政府与新近获得自由的非裔美国人之间的棘手斗争中,扑灭另一场火种, 包括那些在内战中为自己的自由而战的人. 奥佩卢萨斯实施了一项极其严格的“黑色法规”," an ordinance so oppressive that, as Quincy informed his mother, 它“几乎把[非裔美国人]送回了奴役状态.他被派去追捕“拿着尖棍的奥佩卢斯人”——他手下的黑人士兵的刺刀, at least for the time being, he was successful.

    "An absolute massacre"

    A year later, 这场危机在新奥尔良达到了顶峰,当时的市政选举恢复了前南方联盟市长的职务, John T. Monroe, to office. Governor Wells, 谁曾在1865年反对支持黑人民权的联邦主义者, now shifted sides again. In July 1866, 他试图重新召开州制宪会议,争取黑人选民的选举权. 7月30日,在新奥尔良召开的会议被武力驱散. 代表大会的成员和他们的非裔美国支持者遭到袭击, the area military commander, described as "an absolute massacre." At least forty-eight people, including many black Civil War veterans, were killed and more than 200 wounded. In the aftermath of the New Orleans Riot (Massacre), military rule returned to New Orleans and Louisiana. 1867年,谢里丹将军取代了门罗市长和威尔斯州长.

    Brigadier General Samuel M. Quincy, U.S.V.

    塞缪尔·米勒·昆西(Samuel Miller Quincy, 1832-1887),毕业于哈佛大学,接受律师培训. 内战开始时,他被任命为马萨诸塞州第二志愿军步兵. 1862年,他在弗吉尼亚作战时负伤被俘. 在他被交换并晋升为上校之后, he took command of the 2nd Massachusetts, but never fully recovered from his wounds. In 1863, unable to continue in the field, he resigned his commission, but later the same year, was appointed to the Louisiana Corps d'Afrique这是联邦军队中最早的黑人军队之一. 1866年,昆西以准将的军衔从军队辞职. 回到波士顿后,他致力于慈善事业. 他从未完全从内战服役的严酷中恢复过来,并于1887年去世. The MHS holds 昆西穿着内战将军制服的水彩画 报告中还包含了额外的个人信息.

    Sources for Further Reading

    Samuel M. 昆西内战期间写给他母亲和其他家庭成员的信件是马萨诸塞州历史学会昆西家族文件的庞大档案的一部分,并被微缩成胶片作为美国历史博物馆的一部分 昆西,温德尔,福尔摩斯和厄帕姆家族文件微缩胶片.

    Bent, Samuel A. Eulogy on Samuel Miller Quincy. Boston: Old State House, 1887. 波士顿学会特别会议记录,1887年5月24日.

    Foner, Eric. 重建:美国未完成的革命,1863-1877. New York: Harper & Row, 1988.

    Hollandsworth, James G. 绝对大屠杀:1866年7月30日的新奥尔良种族骚乱. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2001.

    McCrary, Peyton. 亚伯拉罕·林肯与重建:路易斯安那实验. 普林斯顿,新泽西州:普林斯顿大学出版社,1978年.

    United States. House. Select Committee on the New Orleans Riots. 新奥尔良暴乱特别委员会报告. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1867.