
气球的帖子: 苏珊·黑尔 celebrates the birth of airmail and raises money for war relief in 1871 Boston

气球邮筒,否. 1871年4月11日期刊

气球邮筒,否. 1871年4月11日


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    [项目描述如下: 本月目标 ]

    苏珊·黑尔的慈善博览会报纸,the 气球的帖子, 从1871年4月11日至17日,只有6个号码存在, 但这让她以作家和编辑的身份登上了公众舞台, and publicized an outpouring of American support for France and aid for refugees during the Franco-Prussian War.

    Le Ballon-Poste

    黑尔的报纸得名于 Ballon-Poste, a miniature newssheet that had been published in besieged Paris during the Franco-Prussian War and flown out of the beleaguered city by balloon. 航空邮寄(每期两页)的想法 Ballon-Poste served as a cover sheet for a one-page personal message to the outside world) was both novel and romantic. 还有第一批航空邮寄的报纸, 这些胆大妄为的气球驾驶员运送政府公文, tons of civilian "airmail" (personal letters written on thin sheets of paper like the Ballon-Poste), as well as human and animal cargos out of the city: the French statesman Leon Gambetta left Paris on an early flight to organize a doomed attempt to lift the siege; and homing pigeons and courier dogs were carried out in order to return to the city with messages from "outside.“ Ballon-Poste 吸引了各地公众的想象力, 尤其是那些同情饱受战争蹂躏的法国的国家.


    苏珊·黑尔于1833年出生在波士顿, 内森和莎拉·普雷斯顿·埃弗雷特·黑尔的八个孩子中最小的一个. 的 newspaper business was in her blood; her father and two of her brothers were, 反过来, 的编辑 波士顿日报广告人. 一个哥哥,牧师. 爱德华·埃弗雷特·黑尔, 多产作家和改革家, 是海尔家最有才华的孩子吗, 但也许是因为他是唯一结婚的兄弟姐妹, the brothers and sisters remained closely connected through a lively and entertaining family correspondence. 年轻的苏珊被她的大姐卢克丽霞(“卢克丽霞”)吸引住了。. 虽然她从小就对艺术感兴趣, “苏茜”——她在信上签名——照顾父母,办学校, 先是在布鲁克林的家里,然后是波士顿的比肯山脚下. In 1867 she travelled to Egypt with Lucretia where they were escorted to Holy Land sites by their brother Charles, 然后是美国.S. 驻埃及总领事.


    By 1870 Hale was back in Boston where her attention was drawn to the plight of French civilians during the Franco-Prussian War, not only the starving population of Paris (the siege continued until the French surrender in March 1871), but also in the French countryside either under German occupation or filled with refugees in flight from the war. 1870年12月5日, a voluntary committee of women and men met with the French consul in Boston to hold "a fair in aid of sufferers from the war in France.“ first meeting of the Executive Committee of the Fair was held in January 1871 and plans were put in place to hold the large-scale event in April, 只剩下十个星期的准备时间. 和许多慈善活动一样, almost all the officers of the committee were men and almost all of the actual work was undertaken by women. 委员会成员能够, 然而, to draw upon extensive experience gained during the American Civil War in hosting "sanitary fairs" (often held on behalf of the United States Sanitary Commission—an organization that aided sick and wounded soldiers and their families). 法国赈灾会 was held from 11-22 April 1871 in the 波士顿剧院, the interior of which was laid out with more than fifty tables where items could be purchased, 和艺术, 工件, 现场还展示了签名, 都通向主舞台,舞台上的风景代表着巴黎的林荫大道. 帕特里克年代. 著名的乐队指挥兼作曲家吉尔摩提供音乐. "Newspaper boys" (the young children of fair mangers) sold copies of 苏珊·黑尔's newspaper that could be mailed from a temporary post office set up at the fair. 甚至还有一个“餐厅”,游客可以在那里吃鹅肝草或烤豆.


    的 final report of the executive committee of the fundraising effort pointed to the 气球的帖子 as a "marked feature of the fair" commanding "a respect hardly, hitherto, due to any fair newspaper."只有六期"B.-P.," but they represented an extraordinary effort on the part of the anonymous "conductor" of the "balloon"—苏珊·黑尔. 在一场精心策划的阿谀奉承中, 骗人的把戏才配做骗子, 还有卑鄙的哄骗, she persuaded literary lights (Ralph Waldo Emerson and Bret Harte) and aspiring ones (the first publication of Henry James's play 止水为她短暂的事业做出贡献. 同时, she had sister "Luc" write a series of "delicious imitations" of other authors to add to the mix. 甚至还有一位“战地记者”玛丽. 柯蒂斯. 黑尔发表了柯蒂斯在凡尔赛写给他的信的长节选, 这是围攻普鲁士军队的指挥部, 然后在公社时期, 法国国家军队.

    虽然 气球的帖子 只出现了几天, Hale convinced artist William Morris Hunt to design the pictorial masthead for her paper and with his drawing in hand, 说服詹姆斯·R. 菲尔兹和奥斯古德的奥斯古德,让安德鲁五世为她剪头发. S. 安东尼,奥斯古德的首席雕刻师. 与此同时,她求助于海尔家族的资深记者查尔斯·蔡斯(Charles Chase) 波士顿日报广告人 他已经成为《利记APP官网手机版》的出版商 伍斯特晚报 感谢他的专业协助. Chase came to Boston by train every morning to see to the production of each number of the Post.

    黑尔短暂的编辑 气球的帖子 并非没有冲突. Boston Latin School students thought that publication of the paper should have been left to them and were first refused and then appeased. 巴黎公社, 随着博览会的举行,哪一种正接近高潮, 使得博览会的政治可能变得复杂和分裂. 的 气球的帖子 navigated a fine line between sympathy for impoverished refugees in the French countryside and abhorrence for the red revolution underway in Paris. Her attempts to reassure her readers and the publication of nostalgic descriptions of pre-war Paris led to accusations that she was an "Imperialist" (that she favored the return to power of Louis Napoleon and his supporters).


    巴黎公社 came to a bloody climax a month after the Fair for Relief of Suffering in France ended, 但赞助委员会已经成功地筹集了一大笔钱(约75美元),000美元(扣除费用后),并仔细监督其分发. 而 气球的帖子 扣除费用后几乎没赚到什么, it provided wide publicity for the fair and became something of a souvenir of the brief-lived event. 苏珊·黑尔引起了公众的注意,并得到了一份丰厚的报酬——1美元,每年为《利记手机官网》撰稿 晶体管收音机”( 波士顿的成绩单-全市最“文艺”的报纸.

    随着时间的推移, 苏珊·黑尔以艺术家的身份而闻名, 美术教师兼讲师, 而不是作为一个作家, although she maintained a reputation of being something of an expert in preparing "charity fair" publications. She travelled widely and continued her lively and humorous correspondence with friends and family members. 她和她的兄弟Rev. 爱德华·埃弗雷特·黑尔, 写了一书架的儿童书籍(她帮助插画)为基础, 在某种程度上, 从1881年开始,她开始了广泛的旅行(虽然不是乘坐气球) 一次穿越法国、德国、挪威和瑞士的家庭飞行. 健康状况不佳和耳聋的加剧最终使“苏西”在年老时放慢了脚步, but as a young friend wrote—in a description that could have been used to describe the challenges of editing the 气球的帖子她的幽默感和勇气使她度过了非常艰难的时期.她于1910年去世.


    波士顿剧院. 波士顿剧院:法国博览会. 波士顿有史以来最优雅、最吸引人的博览会. 每日开放至4月22日 ... 每晚都有乐队演奏 .... 波士顿:F. A. 塞尔,1871.

    法国救济基金. 法国赈灾会执行委员会的报告. 波士顿:兰德出版社,艾弗里出版社, & Co., 1872.

    黑尔,苏珊. 苏珊·黑尔的书信. Ed. 卡罗琳·P. 阿特金森. 波士顿:马歇尔琼斯公司,1919年.

    黑尔家族文件. 索菲亚·史密斯收藏,史密斯学院,北安普顿,马萨诸塞州.

    苏珊·黑尔's personal papers form part of a large collection of Hale family papers in the Sophia Smith Collection of primary sources in women's history at Smith College. 

    维欧家族文件,1870-1958. 马萨诸塞州历史学会.

    维奥家族的文件包括弗雷德里克·H. Viaux's manuscript records as secretary of the 1871 Fair for Relief of Suffering in France. 协会收藏的许多印刷的蜉蝣:门票, 猛烈抨击, 菜单, newspaper clippings—even a floorplan for the fair booths—came to the MHS as part of the Viaux Papers. 

    其他与展会相关的印刷品可在 阿比盖尔,MHS在线目录,搜索“Fair for Relief of Suffering in France”.