Object of the Month

Charles Bulfinch begins his Life’s Work

波士顿为纪念美国总统而建的凯旋门和柱廊, 10月. 24, 1789 Engraving

波士顿为纪念美国总统而建的凯旋门和柱廊, 10月. 24, 1789

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[ This description is from the project: Object of the Month ]

This illustration from the 1790年1月 issue of The Massachusetts Magazine, or Monthly Museum 图为查尔斯·布尔芬奇为纪念乔治·华盛顿而设计的凯旋门.


1789年10月24日,为纪念乔治·华盛顿总统的来访而在波士顿建造的凯旋门是建筑师查尔斯·布尔芬奇的第一个公共建筑委员会. 虽然“华盛顿拱门”是临时的,但布尔芬奇已经设计了一座重要的波士顿建筑, the Hollis Street Church, built between 1787 and 1789, the arch brought him to the attention of a much wider audience. On the day of Washington's arrival in Boston, 迎接他的是一支由音乐家带领的由六十多个师组成的队伍, 按工艺或行业的字母顺序排列,以防止优先权的争议 online presentation of a broadside about the procession). They marched to the State House (now Boston's "Old State House"), 布尔芬奇拱门的所在地,以及由托马斯·道斯设计的配套柱廊. “人民的男人”穿过州议会大厦西端的一扇窗户,来到柱廊顶部的一个画廊, 在那里,迎接他的是三名市民的欢呼,还有一首专门为这个场合写的颂歌,由一个“精选”合唱团在中央拱门上方的天篷下演唱:

Great Washington, the Hero's come,
Each heart exulting hears the sound;
看到! 成千上万的他们的生活人群(参加仪式的人比住在波士顿的人还多),
And shout him wel-come all a-round.

拱门和柱廊在当时的报纸和1790年1月的 The Massachusetts Magazine, or Monthly Museum. 这篇《利记APP官网手机版》早在1789年10月的杂志上就已经写好了, coinciding with the president's visit to Boston.

凯旋门高18英尺,中央开口宽14英尺(两侧是7英尺宽的拱门),中间有爱奥尼亚柱和“适当的门柱”. “冻结”展示了13颗星星在蓝色的地面上,一个“漂亮的白色飞檐”被带到平台的高度. The canopy soared twenty feet above the arch with an eagle perched on the top. 在中央拱门上方可见的椭圆形石碑上刻着:“献给团结所有心的人." On the side facing away from the engraved view another tablet was inscribed, "To Columbia's favorite son," and at the end facing the State House was a third, “3月17日, 1776,在华盛顿成功包围波士顿后,英国人撤离波士顿的日期.

Charles Bulfinch, Gentleman

In the first Boston town directory, published in 1789, 26岁的查尔斯·布尔芬奇被列为住在马尔伯勒街的“绅士”, 当时是镇上的主干道之一,不久被重新命名为“华盛顿街”的一部分." Bulfinch had been born in Boston in 1763, the son of Thomas Bulfinch, 一名医生, and Susan Apthorp Bulfinch. 年轻的布尔芬奇在革命时期的波士顿长大,在那里他从他家豪宅的屋顶上目睹了邦克山战役. 他就读于波士顿拉丁学校,1781年毕业于哈佛大学. 当时美国还没有正式的建筑培训,布尔芬奇在约瑟夫·巴雷尔(Joseph Barrell)的账房工作, later recollecting that he did not have very much work due to an economic slump, giving him leisure "to cultivate a taste for Architecture." An inheritance gave him the means to travel to Europe in 1785, 在哪里, with letters of introduction from Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson, he spent two years traveling widely and studying both ancient and modern buildings.

Returning to Boston early in 1787, 布尔芬奇把他的时间都花在了“建筑方面的无偿建议”上,并与一位堂兄建立了长久而幸福的婚姻, Hannah Apthorp. 他从欧洲回来几个月后就收到了他的第一个建筑委托, 为霍利斯街教堂设计一个新的聚会场所,以取代1787年4月被大火烧毁的建筑. Over the next thirty years, 直到布尔芬奇成为美国国会大厦的建筑师(这是1817年詹姆斯·门罗总统访问波士顿的结果), 他通过设计和建造公共建筑和私人住宅,改变了波士顿和新英格兰的其他城镇.

Bulfinch planned new state houses for Massachusetts and Connecticut, and after "secession," a new statehouse for Maine. He designed Boston's first public theater, as well as a new almshouse, county court house, and state prison. He planned utilitarian wharves and commercial buildings. 他建造的 许多 Unitarian meeting houses, but also Holy Cross Church, the first building designed for Catholic worship in Boston. He planned town houses (three for Harrison Gray Otis alone), blocks of row houses, 还有优雅的乡村庄园——在他搬到华盛顿之前,他总共委托他人设计和建造了60多个庄园, 几乎所有这些都是在他面临着一系列的财务挫折,这些挫折削弱了他的商业计划. Bulfinch remained in Washington until 1830, completing the United States Capitol as well as designing other public buildings, before returning to his family home in Boston 在哪里 he died in 1844.

Charles Bulfinch and the Massachusetts Historical Society

A member of the Massachusetts Historical Society for forty-three years, Charles Bulfinch also was one of the Society's most important early benefactors. 1793年,他试图将城市规划引入波士顿,建造了“通廷新月”(Tontine crescent)——十六栋相连的三层楼,将形成一个协会. As part of the real estate development, 布尔芬奇和他的合伙人“永远”向马萨诸塞州历史学会提供了新月中心拱门上方的一个房间,象征性地收取5先令的费用. 历史学会很快接受了这个提议,并从1794年到1833年一直住在这个房间里. 也许是意识到通廷新月计划导致了布尔芬奇的财政崩溃, the MHS waived his fees when he was elected a member in 1801.

Engraved by Samuel Hill

Samuel Hill, who engraved the view of the triumphal arch for the Massachusetts Magazine, 是一位多产的波士顿艺术家,在1789年到1794年的六年出版期间,他是该杂志的主要插图画家. Many of Hill's engravings were from his own drawings. He also illustrated books and engraved the first official map of Massachusetts1802年在历史学会的监督下印刷,1803年搬到纽约.

"The Father of His Country Returns to Boston"—An Exhibition

In the fall of 1789 during his first year in office, President George Washington embarked on a month-long tour of New England. There was enormous excitement every在哪里 he went. When the president arrived in Newburyport, young John Quincy Adams, who was studying law there, 观察:

此时此刻,他们沉浸在喜悦的情绪中 . . . from the gratification of their affection in beholding personally among them, 的朋友, the benefactor, the father of his Country.

To mark the anniversary of this visit, 马萨诸塞州历史学会展出了纪念华盛顿之行的文件和文物, 包括塞缪尔·希尔雕刻的查尔斯·布尔芬奇的凯旋门,以及克里斯蒂安·古拉格在新英格兰旅行期间画的总统肖像. The exhibition is open to the public without charge, Monday-Saturday, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM and will be on display until 24 January 2015

Sources for Further Reading

Bulfinch Family Papers, 1720-1793. 马萨诸塞州历史学会持有的布尔芬奇家族文件包括查尔斯·布尔芬奇的少量信件.

"Description of the Triumphal Arch and Colonnade, erected at Boston, in honour of the President of the United States, 10月24日, 1789." The Massachusetts Magazine, or Monthly Museum. 1790年1月. 卷. 2 (1790). Boston: Isaiah Thomas and F. T. 安德鲁斯,p. [1].

"Historic 队伍s in Boston, 1780-1824." The Bostonian Society Publications. 卷. 5 (1908). Boston: Printed for the Society 1908, 65-119.

Kirker, Harold. 足弓itecture of Charles Bulfinch. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1969.

Kirker, Harold and James Kirker. Bulfinch's Boston: 1787-1817. New York: OUP, 1964.

Place, Charles A. Charles Bulfinch: Architect and Citizen. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1925.

队伍. Boston, 10月ober 19, 1789. As this town is shortly to be honoured with a visit from the President . . . (波士顿:年代.n., 1789].