
“You know the balance of trade was always against me”: 托马斯·杰斐逊 和 Abigail Adams Go Shopping




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    在1786年8月9日从巴黎写给阿比盖尔·亚当斯的信中, 托马斯·杰斐逊 enclosed an account of purchases the two made for each other in Europe. “贸易顺差总是对我不利,杰斐逊对阿比盖尔打趣道, 并补充说,不需要亚当斯夫妇进一步偿还. [请参阅序列中的图像1和2来查看字母的图像。, 见图3查看账户. 音标的 这封信这个账户 在Adams的数字版本中都有吗.]


    1785年2月14日, 大陆会议委任托马斯·杰斐逊, 约翰·亚当斯, 和 本杰明•富兰克林 to negotiate treaties of amity 和 commerce with the nations of Europe 和 North Africa. 在接下来的几个月里, 在新英格兰的一次短暂旅行中, Jefferson learned he had been appointed to serve as the American minister in Paris. “博士的继承权. 富兰克林在法国的宫廷,是一个很好的谦逊学校,” 杰斐逊后来回忆道. “当我以美国部长的身份被介绍给任何人时, 常见的问题, 用于这种情况, c'est利记APP官网手机版意思, 先生, 我取代了富兰克林博士?“先生,是您代替富兰克林医生。?' I generally answered 'no one can replace him, Sir; I am only his successor.’”杰斐逊赞赏他的前任在取悦君主政体方面所做的努力, 和他, 太, 成为国家文化生活的热心参与者.

    马萨诸塞州律师约翰·亚当斯, his ally in the Continental Congress 和 the Anglo-American peace negotiations, 对杰斐逊的任命感到高兴吗. Preparing to serve as the first American minister to Great Britain—while juggling a third commission to manage the Dutch loans 和 thereby consolidate American credit in Europe—Adams was glad to have a trusted colleague in nearby Paris. "He is an old Friend with whom I have often had Occasion to labour at many a knotty Problem," 亚当斯写信给詹姆斯·沃伦, "和 in whose Abilities 和 Steadiness I always found great Cause to confide.约翰的妻子阿比盖尔也期待着杰斐逊的到来. 阿比盖尔知道,这对弗吉尼亚人来说是一段艰难的时期. His wife Martha died in 1782, 和 youngest daughter Lucy Elizabeth had followed two years later. 约翰和阿比盖尔在欧洲的时候, the widower Jefferson was a frequent dinner guest 和 a great favorite of the Adams children. 年轻的约翰·昆西·亚当斯, 正如他年迈的父亲在1825年对杰斐逊回忆的那样, 在我看来是这样 差不多是你的孩子 和我.对阿比盖尔说, 他与他进行了广泛的通信, 世界主义的杰斐逊"是地球上最好的植物之一." When Jefferson's younger daughter Mary ("Polly") traveled to Europe in the care of family slave Sally Hemings, 是阿比盖尔在伦敦迎接这些十几岁的女孩并照看她们.

    1785年7月5日, Jefferson boarded the Ceres at Boston with his 11-year-old daughter Martha ("Patsy") 和 his enslaved servant James Hemings in tow. Favorable winds made for a pleasant ocean crossing, 和 Jefferson arrived in Paris on 6 August. 从鲁昂出发的最后一段路一定很累, 帕齐和詹姆斯都因发烧和疲惫而生病. 在杰弗逊的备忘录里, 他忠实地记录了大大小小的开销, the statesman itemized several purchases of coffee (和 a coffee mill) made en route to the city. 在Hôtel L和ron短暂停留后, 在泰特布特死胡同(现在的海尔德街), 第九区), 杰斐逊在Hôtel de Langeac安顿下来, 位于贝里街和香榭丽舍大街的拐角处, 他从1785年10月17日到1789年9月26日住在哪里. 两层楼的, 24个房间的大厦, 是在1842年被拆除的吗, 特色室内水管, 陶瓷锦砖层, 英式花园, 和马厩. Though he had studied the French language back in Virginia (along with classical Latin 和 Greek), 杰斐逊担心 “不完全理解”, 于是他雇了一个男仆来管理家务. 杰斐逊为两个女儿报名了 Panthemont皇家修道院这是一所著名的修道院,同时欢迎新教和天主教学生.

    托马斯·杰斐逊的巴黎—a city on the eve of the French Revolution 和 constantly under construction as new bridges, 建筑, 城墙都拔地而起,充满了探索的机会. 这位美国部长一头扎进了文化界. He attended concerts, read political tracts, 和 admired the lush l和scape of the Tuileries Gardens. He hosted dinner parties for the Marquis de Lafayette 和 his new set of revolutionary friends. 他在公开拍卖会上购买艺术品, 订阅本地报纸, 并尝试了一系列的戏剧作品. 他和“博学的女士们”和沙龙女士们交上了朋友. 一直以来, 杰斐逊对弗吉尼亚的政治十分关注, developing a transatlantic correspondence network that ferried news via James Madison, 帕特里克•亨利, 詹姆斯·门罗. 杰斐逊出版了他的 维吉尼亚州票据并为约翰·亚当斯(约翰·亚当斯)的作品寻找法语翻译 为美利坚合众国政府宪法辩护 (伦敦,1787 - 1788).

    当他需要暂时离开城市生活和外交职责的压力时, 托马斯·杰斐逊冒险去了他的“隐居地”,"一个由受难山的修道士经营的寄宿公寓. 他中断了在巴黎的工作,在欧洲大陆作了短暂的逗留 英式花园游 1786年4月与亚当斯会面, 然后在1787年冬天去了法国的葡萄酒之乡和意大利北部, 他手腕骨折是在哪里康复的. “整个过程我都是一个人, 并且认为一个人独自旅行更有用, 因为它们反射的更多," 他写信给一位朋友. Jefferson carried back a few souvenirs: smuggled rice from Italy; new vineyard techniques so that he could serve his Monticello visitors "一杯我自己做的霍克酒或鲁德斯海姆酒;甚至还有一块从威廉·莎士比亚的椅子上雕刻下来的木片.


    Jefferson's travels in 和 around Paris, while educational 和 transformative, also proved costly. Though he tried to match the "certain stile of living" that Franklin had established, 杰斐逊向麦迪逊哀叹道 that such budgeting "called for an almost womanly attention to the details of the household, 同样令人费解的, 恶心的, & 与业务不符.作为一名美国牧师,杰斐逊的年薪是9000美元. Life in Enlightenment-era Paris was expensive; renting 和 outfitting a series of homes quickly outstripped Jefferson's income. 他对秘书戴维. 弗兰克和其他人, that his "delicate" financial situation might send angry creditors to King Louis XVI with ugly complaints of debt. “这些情况不仅使我变成了一个顽固的œconomy,” 杰斐逊在1785年6月写道, "but render it impossible for me either to advance money or further hazard my credit.”, 除了仆人, 修道院的学费, 车厢, 他的9,000利弗的年租金, 杰斐逊在巴黎有很多钱要花. He secured an apprenticeship for James Hemings to learn the art of French cooking. He indulged in new clothes for his daughters, 和 some lace ruffles for himself. He paid for a pedicure between bouts of book shopping, 和 purchased a "battledore & “毽子”为孩子们打羽毛球.

    Across the English Channel, Abigail Adams also struggled to run a diplomatic household. 为了减轻负担,她和杰斐逊经常为对方买东西. 我们可以从他们的账目附件中看出, 他买了一双丝绸鞋送给阿比盖尔, 马德拉葡萄酒, 细锦缎, 和法国雕像. 她给他寄去衬衫、纽扣和爱尔兰亚麻布. 当他以工资为抵押借款时,杰斐逊也列出了这笔钱. Take the insurance paid "on Houdon's life," which allowed artist Jean-Antoine Houdon to 去弗农山雕刻乔治·华盛顿 在里士满的弗吉尼亚州议会大厦展出的雕像. 杰斐逊是个了不起的记录者. 他的备忘录, 口袋大小的杂项开支和长期债务清单, 有他的会计习惯的例子吗. He used his Garden Book to document agricultural improvements 和 technological experiments. 在他的农场书里, the third president maintained a "Roll of Slaves" 和 noted down the many techniques he saw in his travels: new ways to grow peas, 或者制作帕尔马干酪. 从他的账簿的字里行间读出来, 我们看到杰弗逊是如何在巴黎建立第二个家的, 想象着他在蒙蒂塞洛的未来. 在他的借方和贷方中,托马斯·杰斐逊更完整的形象浮现出来.


    On 24 January 2016 the Massachusetts Historical Society marked the 225th anniversary of its founding, 开始为期一年的庆祝活动 展览:一系列的展览、公开演讲、研讨会和其他项目. 二等兵杰斐逊: From the 利记手机官网 of the Massachusetts Historical Society will be on display at the Society's 1154 Boylston Street, Boston, headquarters through 20 May 2016. The exhibition is free 和 open to the public, Monday-Saturday, 10:00 AM–4:00 PM. The exhibition will travel later in 2016 to the Virginia Historical Society in Richmond 和 in 2017 to the New York Historical Society in New York City. 信息 配套卷 可以在我们的网站上找到吗.


    亚当斯家书,卷. 7(1786-1787)编. 玛格丽特一. 霍根,C. James Taylor, Celeste Walker, Anne Decker Cecere, Gregg L. 林特、霍布森·伍德沃德和玛丽·T. Claffey. 剑桥:哈佛大学出版社Belknap出版社,2005.

    威廉·霍华德·亚当斯. 托马斯·杰斐逊的巴黎岁月. 纽黑文:耶鲁大学出版社,1997.

    詹姆斯·贝尔., Jr. 和露西娅C. 斯坦顿,eds. Jefferson's Memor和um Books: Accounts, with Legal Records 和 Miscellany, 1767–1826. 普林斯顿:普林斯顿大学出版社,1997. 2波动率.

    莱斯特·J·卡彭., ed. The Adams-Jefferson Letters: The Complete Correspondence Between 托马斯·杰斐逊 和 Abigail 和 约翰·亚当斯. Chapel Hill: Published for the Institute of Early American History 和 Culture at Williamsburg, Va.北卡罗来纳大学出版社,1959年出版. 2波动率.

    约瑟夫·埃利斯. 美国狮身人面像:托马斯·杰斐逊的性格. 纽约:Alfred A. 克诺夫出版社,1996年.

    创始人在线 功能超过175,000份可查文件, 完全注释, 来自乔治·华盛顿权威的开国元勋论文项目, 本杰明•富兰克林, 约翰·亚当斯(及其家人), 托马斯·杰斐逊, 亚历山大•汉密尔顿, 詹姆斯·麦迪逊.

    霍华德·赖斯. 托马斯·杰斐逊的巴黎. 普林斯顿:普林斯顿大学出版社,1976.

    托马斯·杰斐逊论文:电子档案 presents digital 图像s 和 searchable transcriptions of a selection of Jefferson's personal papers, 包括他的农场和花园书籍, 的手稿 利记APP官网手机版弗吉尼亚州的说明, his only full-length published work, 和 his h和written copy of the Declaration of Independence. The website also features digital 图像s of Jefferson's architectural drawings 和 sketches of two of his library catalogs.